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is it just me

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littlegriff | 10:53 Thu 13th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
everytime i go to the bank the cashier speak to me like i am something they stepped in on the way to work


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It's never happened to me.
my banks are quite friendly
Its the stocking over your head and the gun pointed in her face...
think it must be you, i never have a problem
Question Author
thanks all, must be personal then, might try the stocking and gun next wk !
my bank clerks are actually quite funny......and when they bring my account details up they're very friendly......
You weren't in there with a wheelbarrow full of pennies were you... if so you deserve everything you get...
Question Author
no snags went to pay my loan off , maybe she was annoyed cause it was in cash but they have machines to count notes now
It's just you.
One of the cashiers at my local was quite rude to me. That was a bad decision on her part. She's quite nice to me now.

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is it just me

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