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a azote babouin ca cyprus d dyslexique eau extremite f

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jojojojoanne | 16:44 Tue 18th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
fuhr gacher gymnastique habile hysterie iceberg ivrogne j juvenile ko kway la ly m mythologie n nylon oasis ozone pacifique pyranees qu est-ce que quotidienne ment rabais rythme s systeme ta tzigane ulcene utilitie va vulgaire wagon web xylophone yougoslavie zapper zut


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would you like some of my medication?
jojo....just noticed the word "nylon" in your transcript....eerm! that wouldn't refer to....umm! err! knickers or bras would it ?
Zut habile qu est-ce nylon???
-- answer removed --
what! an iceberg in Cyprus....Noooooooooooo
and you have extreme dyslexia...OMG
xylophone are cheap in yougoslavie,I'm going to yougoslaviet to buy one.
'Could you send for the hall porter, there appears to be a frog in my bidet '.
Ah right,
When you have gotten your toe out of the bat tap,then apply some aloe vera.
I see you have wrinkled sking from being in the bath water SO long.I suggest that the window cleaner(who you hid from) be allowed in to rub in the aloe vera.
He can be naked or dressed (as you wish).
I also note that you were wearing your wedding dress in the bath,this is not a good thing as it tends to discourage prospective bridegrooms.and is also not good for the dress itself.
You really must learn to type i English so we can help you with your fetishes.
Amazing what a message can say when you understand it!

BTW this language is Slavic Gibberoski.

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a azote babouin ca cyprus d dyslexique eau extremite f

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