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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 07:49 Sat 22nd Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
At last! Let's see if we can get under way this time!
Saturday is upon us again, Have a good one everybody.
next ?


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Morning all. Just packing the car up to take the new chap and the kiddie winks camping! Not sure how I will cope with two kids in a tent, so I've packed two bottles of wine (for me, not them!).

Just need to find the missing airbed stopper (like finding a needle in a haystack) and then I'm off!
morning all, just chilling out before another fun packed day working in the pub.......
Morning waterboatman , I had a lie-in this morning :-)
Morning beejay , wendilla , tamborine , seekeerz , bensmum , stompe , Sachs , Barmaid , and mccfluff , great to see all you lovelies xxxx

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Good morning early birds!

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