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Hi Robinia

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pericat | 19:58 Tue 25th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Saw your hi from thread earlier and just wanted to say I had the best holiday ever - thanks for asking . How are you feeling?


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ooh, my name in lights, and I haven't upset anyone - I don't think so anyway lol

Glad you enjoyed your holiday, it seemed to go very quickly, so I suppose it was even quicker for you. Was the journey ok then?

I'm probably feeling about the same as you peri judging by a post I saw of yours earlier...this constant damp air does you no good does it? There are those on here in the east, mentioning no names, who are grumbling at me 'cos they need rain....grrrr.

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I agree - the weather in particular did me a power of good. And the roller coasters - adrenalin seems to help a lot - one went at 120 mph up 90 degrees over top and down at 90 degrees. I swear it's the only time I don't feel pain- you should try it
you're a braver woman than I am peri! I get vertigo on an escalator. Can't say I've ever been into roller coasters, the dodgems were more my thing :o)
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Did you go away this year ?
No, haven't been on holiday for years...and my little dogs too old to be left/taken along now, he's not a good traveller. It wouldn't bother me if it had been good here, not hot, just warm & dry would have been nice. Hey ho when I win the lotto I'm buying a big place by the sea where all the bewildered biddies can visit...and we'll have toned hunks to wait on us ;o)

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