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Oh this is silly...

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Bbbananas | 11:53 Wed 26th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
... and I'm fed up. I'm not even going to try and post on here anymore today. May as well get on with some work....

Bye folks x


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Well, it'd be a good laugh at any rate vibra... ;0P
I have to say I feel the same salla, I keep having a look in but it's all too quiet today :-(
Get on with some work?

Erm, yes, right ... embarassed cough

Yes ... I suppose we should.

Glances at ''work'' screen.

Okay. Done that.

JJ x
Question Author
I'm fed up with proper work now, I need a break.

come on then vibra - let's have a gander at your willy :-)
Ohh - shall we form an orderly queue..?
how very undignified .......................................

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Oh this is silly...

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