I registered a couple of years ago but never used Facebook. When I wanted to use it I was told that I could post but would not receive replies because I am a virgin.net user they needed me to submit (whatever) but I declined as it seemed to me that would give them all the names in my email address book. Now appearing as potential friends are my sister in law, her daughter, and after deleting others I don't know, two more relatives of sis in law popped up.. Ths leads me to believe that once Facebook knew my address, they were able to link it with others in whose address book it appears - and by way of a chain, others linked to them. Is this how it works?
Certainly looks like it, I've seen faces pop up in the 'people you may know' bit that I havent been in contact with for 7 years!!! their addy's are still in my contacts.
Youve just reminded me to clear out my contacts list!