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What qualifications does Sarah Ferguson have to be telling chavs

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Sandy-Wroe | 08:31 Wed 26th Aug 2009 | Film, Media & TV
24 Answers
how they should live their lives?


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leave her be i think shes ok
I'm not saying she isn't ok zzxxee - I quite like her. But, surely she must have expected some sort of flack for doing this sort of documentary? Maybe she's getting too much, but some was inevitable in view of her (and her daughters')privileged circumstances.
i see what your saying but i think she really is trying to make a difference and not be patronising however i do think she is in need of a reality check
This concept that only chavs or ex-chavs have any right or ability to communicate with current chavs is just inverted snobbery.

I saw the program. The approach was 'What do you want to do to improve this area, and how can I use my name and contacts to help you facilitate that'. Not at all patronising really.

Inevitable that it should be criticized though.

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What qualifications does Sarah Ferguson have to be telling chavs

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