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puma86 | 15:39 Thu 27th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
what are your thoughts?????


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it is a contrived reasonless baseless meaningless belief system that has formed a religious following that includes many celebrities. just like all other religions really.
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I prefer biology myself.....
load of hooey, of course the main qualification to join is to have a lot of money

hang on, you did mean the religion right ? not the song by girls aloud ?

coincidentally, my answer remains the same.
I didn't know you were allowed thoughts about Scientology.

If you're caught having them Mr. Cruise will send his lawyers around to re educate you
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What is it all about? i dont really get it. They believe their spirits are immortal - is that right?
mumbo jumbo from what i know of it but i have to add i dont know an awful lot
Loada cr@p!!!!
thanks cazzz but after reading that im still none the wiser lol
A former colleague of mine's hubby is a scientologist. When she met him he'd just parted with �7000 for the latest session of 'soul cleansing' which apparently you have to go through to achieve 'true enlightenment'.

costly business living forever it seems....
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sounds even more barmy after reading that link.

Thanks caz
"ooow look a fairy!"
dont know about soul cleansing it would certinly cleanse your pocket
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they must be mad!
7 grand?! soul cleansing!! oh dear
all you really need to know is that it was founded by a science fiction novelist.

i would avoid squirreling though.
Question Author
oh well, its good to see that we all think its a load of cr@p.

Another brain washing religion/cult for all the lost souls out there! But I suppose, whatever makes a person happy, can't be criticised (probably spelt wrong) if their belief is not hurting another?

I don't even buy my own point, but what the hell.

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