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Eggheads question

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imhotep | 21:21 Thu 27th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
68 Answers
I know this is the wrong thread,but it seems there's quite a few people on this CB site at the moment. Anyway,on Eggheads this evening there were some questions that I got correct myself even before the answer options came up on the screen.
As usual the bigheads....ooops, I mean the eggheads won yet again,leaving the Challengers slightly disgruntled. The prize has rolled over to �69,000 now. I still think that the answer options for the Eggheads should NOT be shown.Since they are so brainy,they shouldn't need the answer options.
Right,now on with the two of several answers I got correct. Problem is , is that I cannot recall what the actual questions were.One question was about mythology and the answer to that was ZEUS,and the other was about a builder in Egyptology,and the answer was....................................................can you guess???


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Thought you'd got lost imhotep so popped off for a while. I have one hour left of my birthday to celebrate so here's one from the 80's.

Gnite Imho!

Gnite all :-)
Question Author
Here is a song by George michael that you will all love.
It's one of my firm favourites by him......I don't care if he's gay or not......he still has a fine voice....
I'm with you there imhotep. Don't like him but love that song.
Question Author
Night devilspawn.....sleep well hun!!
A great song Jan.I didn't know it was your birthday today...
So many many Happy returns for your birthday....
here is a funny birthday song just for you....


and a proper birthday song....
Thanks imho. Am now going to have a very large vodka before bedtime. As I'm older I like the 70's as well and this is one of my favourite songs from then.

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Mmmm...a nice song that is by Stevie Wonder...
Here are a few more by the same person,enjoy your last half hour of your birthday....
Question Author
Right,I must go myself now.
I will see you all another day.....maybe tomorrow...
Night all..if there's anyone still around....

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