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worzels apprechaition society

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zzxxee | 13:28 Wed 26th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
i want to set one up as i feel they are the best underated band in the world who wants to join?


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oh no.

if it was Gummidge i may have considered it
red beat me to it LOL
they only made a couple of songs in the 70's, why appreciate them now? are they releasing new material?
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come on now altogether now i 2 3
"now i got a brand new combine arvesterrrrrrrrr an i'll give you the key"
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i just love them im from the west country and where i come from they are god
No thank you. Kind of you to ask though....
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well screwwwwwwwwwwwwww youuuuuuuuuuuuu salla lol
they look a bit interbred to me......
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leave my uncle dad alone craft
Craft well they were from somerset after all...
errr, isn't the lead singer Scottish?
Yes,maybe he was the only "Normal" one...

Chuck,You do realise that was just a joke,on the back of crafts interbred comment, Dont you?
it can't have been easy for them to play their instruments when they all have 6 fingers on each hand
40 years of cider gurgling, rock on
As a Devon and Somerset man I wish you all success.
Tommy Banner - the `Scottish` lead singer is a very good friend of mine.
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there is even talk in my home town of "brisle" (how us bristolians say bristol) that they want to name bristol internationa airport adge cutler airport
Question Author
nobody said they wanted to join after all bah humbug well im on my own then
It could be called the Adge Cutler Interbreeding International?

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