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Mc'knobby | 01:32 Mon 31st Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I love me and everybody else on here who does put yor paw print on here.

bounce come here I need your paw


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is that english or have you adopted a new lingo as well as a tartan ?
Quit dogging it and tell us a tail.
Question Author
The tail pic has been banned from photobucket stewey dunno why no soh have they on there.

Evening marmm and don't worry you will find out what lingo I talk if you stick around on here as they all understand me on CB now

Even if I don't anit
can you believe that a few people find this cretin amusing.
Now you were as nice as ninepence last night and seemed to enjoy yourself why now upset these people here tut, you will be barred from club if this keeps happening.

I have faith in you. FERTKNOB
Your Honor, I woud suggest that my not so learned opponent in counsel be reprimanded, in fact, I suggest, incarerated for the feloniuos destruction of photograhpic evidence regarding this particular issue........Herrrrrruumph.
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Marmm there are trolls on here called marval so I have to give it up em don't eye
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Awww shhuurrpp stewey
NO you don`t thats the point rise above it - you are better thanthis but it looks like you are on self destruct
Great closing argument, Mac.........................I win!
Question Author
Yea course I am marmm as I dont care as the spar ed will ban this name as they have got their prior tittys wrong on this site and the do not know who the trolls really are.

So until they sort that out I will keep coming on here in a green name and wind the editorial team up and the trolls up
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Aw shrrup stewpot and go and feed our menagrie (well you know what I mean)
Did you happen to appear on this site using a different name? You sound, or appear, to be familiar....I kid you Knot.
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Aww get down to your warteting hole stewey an look after the bouncer on the door.

Atria here you come
Just came back from there about an hour or so or go. You sound like a person I wouldn't mind having a drink or seven with.......I kid you knot. Cheers.
Question Author
I gotta go a bed now stewey as it is 2.40 am here now and I iz getting a bit tired.

Talk to ya again soon mate

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