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Urrrggghhh... don't like it. My eyes have gone funny - what's happened?

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Bbbananas | 07:18 Thu 03rd Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers


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I dunno Salla. Everything has gone all skew whiff.
I like this new lay out ...
I love this new layout. At last they are using a lot more screen space. Bye bye to the clutter.
This is too much for this time of morning!!! lol
It's certainly different.
well I'm not going to need my reading glasses any more!

surely this is a mistake?
I can't post.. argghhhh!
oh, I can! did you see you can upload a picture next to your name? scary............ !
Question Author
A photo? Brill - I can choose between the Blunderwoman one, or Bo Selecta Mel B, or Fat Elvis. Or I could just put one up of moi on Lil's hen night - but don't want to be banned on account of my profile pic alone.
Question Author
A photo? Brill - I can alternate between the Blunderwoman one, or Fat Elvis or Bo Selecta Mel B. Then again, I could put one up of moi at Lil's hen night - but don't want to be banned on the profile pic alone :-(
if you click on "my profile" you can change your avatar to something else. dare I??

well I'm certainly not going first!

and I can't ask a question. it's just showing the "question title" box.
Question Author
same here sara - I've just tried to post a question in technology (honestly!!!) and I can only put a title, not the body of the question. How can you change your avatar - I'm going to do it !!!
Question Author
... oh, and now it's got me repeating myself... gremlins so early in the works?!
my good, the font is too large, now i cant keep a little square at the bottom of my screen. the boss might catch me out now!!
How do you refresh the posts?
Can I be seen ?
Salla were you really up at 3am?!!!!

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Urrrggghhh... don't like it. My eyes have gone funny - what's happened?

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