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Sqad | 07:56 Thu 03rd Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
For the 3rd time, I have seen today, the scenario of a cortege, hearse and coffin of one Michael Jackson, with streets lined with mourners, flowers thrown all over the road and electric gate opening.

Is he dead?

What is going on?

P.S Love the new site.


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Is it his 'real' funeral today? you know how to turn the page if there is more than 20 answers?
Good morning all !
it kills an argument dead though doesnt it lol 19 post arguments in future :)
Question Author
ummm, morning my love........I haven't tried yet.

I have been told that the "real" funeral is today, which begs the question....what is an "unreal" funeral....:-)
No build up then cazzzzz....we'll have to just get straight to the point and throw insults from post 1
Well he had that memorial thing so his fans and so could wail and say their final goodbyes. Today I think the are going to bury him in concrete....that's 'real'
Morning sqad and all, I am back as me again - at least I think I am. The poster isn't highlighted when answering in a thread ? Maybe this is actual burial sqad as they have changed cause of death on cert
Question Author
ummmm....THREE final goodbye's?

That certainly is making sure that he doesn't come back...!!!!

Seems that 20 posts is the maximum......good idea, but what about the birthday threads and I love you !so and so" threads....they will have a rough tome.
I think the spent 18k on his coffin....what a waste if concretes going to poured all over it.

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