I have planted some Janauary King cabbage plants today I noticed I have got lots of batches of yellow Cabbage White Butterflies eggs. I am not sure how I can stop this happening as they will be eating my cabbage plants and then no cabbage grrrrrrrrrrrrrr Please can someone give me some advice.
Hustle down to your gardener's supply store and look for or ask for an environemntally safe spray prduct containg bacillus thuringiensis (BT) and apply according to directions.
Alternately, cover the cabbage heads with a fine mesh nylon netting. A neighbor uses some of the foot portion of his wife's old panyhose nylons. He cuts the legs off near the feet and stretches it over the heads. He reports good success...
Most gardeners buy a roll of water pipe from
a plumbing centre and then cut it to size , and
hoop it , then net it but make sure it anchored
down as cabbage whites are the SAS of pests !!!
Good Luck .
Inspect the leaves of your plants on a daily basis and rub all the little eggs away with your fingers and thumb. Even a single egg which gets left will hatch into a caterpillar. Or you can cover your plants with gardeners white fleece or very fine netting to stop caterpillers landing on your plants but be sure to anchor it well down with stones or bricks so that it doesn't get blown away in heavy wind.