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Bobbisox | 14:44 Fri 04th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
So what, theres a few thing to get used to, everyone has a 'report button' at their disposal, give it a chance and I think it will be fine, could be worse, you could be a pink doughnut with 100s and 1000s sprinkled on top , between the 2 blobby people tho' the doughnut


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Did you change your Avatar via your Profile Page or can you do it another way ?? My own Avatar has disappeared from my Profile Page so am waiting for some words of Wisdom from someone !!
I like it too :-)
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yes redman, but that was yesterday and the option isn't there at the moment, I'm sure it will reappear when the problems get ironed out, but I must have hit the wrong avatar
Hi bobbi - good for you - at this stage I'm sitting back and waiting for it all to fall into place which it probably will. These things take time. I only have 1 complaint - everytime you post j feel hungry and I'm not even that fond of iced doughnuts - nothing personal LOL
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here take it peri....purleeeese!!!
Hey Joy spare ed said he realised you still had your picture! We'll all be able to do it soon apparently. What I don't understand is that the whole format is totally different when I am on a laptop that on a PC!!?? I'm =0)
You are one step ahead of us all Bobbisox ! You are stuck with the Do'nut for now !! lol Just as a matter of interest, from which site did you download the Avatar as we all will have to do it eventually !
And what sorts of avatars are there
I quite like the new answerbank as well. The old one seemed out-dated. Change is good.
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take a look at these, obviously the animated ones won't work???
Hope this helps
Ahhh, I was able to post!
Yes but can we see you LOL
I don't get one thing though? Avatar means 'Saint' and answerbankers are no Saints!

Or maybe I am just speaking for myself?
Hi Bobbi!
you look much more pink & yummier than us! ;0) x
Thanks Bobbisox, I'll take a good look once the Avatar facility is up and running again !!
Yes Pericat, we can see you ALL ! lol
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thank you sachs,,lol
if I had a teeny weeny criticism, it would be, why can't there be an answer window at the bottom too
seadragon, avatar comes from the sanskrit for "descent" and usually implies a deliberate descent from higher spiritual realms to lower realms of existence.

so it would seem quite apt., you don’t get much lower than this !
Thanks for explaining that Ankou, I honestly thought it meant 'Saint'. I shall read Huxley with a more enlightened perspective now. Sorry, I had to grab the neighbour, it's so windy and the green recycling sacks are flying everywhere!
could we not choose our own picture
Newsdeck has his avatar too btw , I noticed it on one of the threads .

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