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Everything seems to be as flat as a pancake with no filling...

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Bbbananas | 07:58 Tue 08th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
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Is it just me?

And why can I only give a question title, but no body to it?
Why still no avatar pic?
Why am I slowly giving up here?
Should I join the defected masses on sportsbank?
it's a bit slow on SB but as least it's easier to chat sal :)
It will all be sorted in a few days no doubt.
I've pretty much given up on here... it's all too confusing with no refresh button!!!! It's only when I see the esculent Salla that I'll make an effort...
morning Sal, and all :o)

the main problem (for me, anyway) is that when I post it doesn't add to the "latest posts" top right. so.. no one knows which threads are "current" to join in. there is no continuity, so it's lost that buzz.

I believe if you log out and log back in, you can ask a question properly. I tried it and it worked, but I can't be bothered to keep doing that.
This site worked fine before they introduced the 'recent' post box. When they did bring it in people moaned that they didn't like it.

I think people just like moaning.

TBH I can't really see that much difference....once the problems have been ironed out I think it will be better.
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Crikey hippy - I had to look that one up. Edible? Jeez, thanks. I think.....!! (I have been told I taste good..)

I forgot about the logging out & in bit, but like you sara, can't be bothered to do that all the time.

Ummm, I'm sure you're right & things will be ironed out eventually - but I think a lot of people will have flown the nest by then.
I was even "chastised" by a certain jno for saying it was a "shambles, " chastised in a very well written piece, one or two words that I could not understand, with prose that put me in my place.
Salla - You need to clear your cache!'s-Cache

Please do this and then try again. You need to clear the cache again because of the recent site update, your browser may have "saved" some aspects of the old site to your PC to make it quicker to load, but what it is loading is broken.

Avatars will turn up in the next few weeks!

We know there a problems, but we need your help to fix them! We've just jumped from a few testers to nearly half a million - this is a lot more eyes to pick out faults!

As is usual these days I will set up a thread in AnswerBank suggestions for you all to shout abuse at me.

See you there shortly?

Spare Ed
I have cleared my cache, for the record :o/
I've just done we'll see.
I cleared my cache on Sunday and then had to reset my password lol.
Am getting used to this now, still miss latest posts refreshing tho but I guess you can't have everything. :)
Question Author
I cleared it at the end of last week Ed - do I need to do it again? If so, will do.
Site is fairly Positive at the moment but there are still a lot of issues for Tech Team to sort out least of all the Clock. We will have fun when Avatars are up and running as it will be interesting to see what 'Icons' we all choose !! lol
Half a million testers? The site would be very busy if only a quarter of them posted..

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Everything seems to be as flat as a pancake with no filling...

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