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veggie food for one

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Dee Sa | 08:42 Mon 24th Aug 2009 | Recipes
6 Answers
there are 4 of us for dinner tomorrow one guy is a veggie, I have already given him before :- stuffed peppers, stuffed aubergine with cheese sauce, lentil pie, quiche, curry with quorn and I am runnng out of ideas he says he hates the way people always produce veggy lasagne for him. what can I give that isnt too complicated to make pls ? food will have to be cooked today for tomorrow.
many thnks Dee


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How about cashew nut risotto with strips of omlette on top; I love that!
ratatouille with pasta, spaghetti bolognese with quorn? I use Loyd Grossman bolognese sauce - it's suitable for veggies.
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many tks to all, will get started.
how much of a veggie? if he will eat eggs and use butter, make an egg biriani. Easy to make but takes a bit of time.
I know I have missed this, but keep in mind for next time.
heres 1 of my fave veggie meals. its aubergine mushroom casserole type meal. anyway, you´ll need 2 medium aubergines, 8 oz mushrooms(better if they are the posh ones which i think are called setas) 1 onion, 1 clove of garlic. good quality pasta sauce. 4oz cheddar, 2 oz blue cheese. slice aubergine, mushrooms , onion, saute in a pot, after 5 mins, add pasta sauce and garlic. , cook with lid on but with a gap. should take 15 mins to cook, dont overcook. when cooked ad grated cheese, turn off heat, put on lid, leave for 15 mins,
even better with mashed spuds.


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veggie food for one

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