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I love religion

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sherminator | 10:45 Wed 12th Aug 2009 | Religion & Spirituality
34 Answers 96013.stm

One day I hope people of faith look at themselves in the mirror, and I mean a really long look and realise just how pitiful they really are!

Don't bother coming at it from the "oh I'm a good Christian/Muslim I would never do that!"

You harbour terrorism and fanatacism within your ranks and I will never ever look at a person of faith with anything other than contempt and pity.


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have you ever tried reasoning with a neo nazi or football hooligan noami ?
gosh, then maybe you should take over from kofi annan. your self claimed talents are just astonishing. unbelevable in fact.
I think all religions, are a form of social control
You're confused, Ankou. I haven't claimed any talents.

blackietwo, you are absolutely right. more so used to manipulate the masses.
I say you're confused, and you say 'good'? Haaaaa! How funny! Yes, no doubt you're confused, Ankou.
Is anyone trying to bang his/her head against a thick wall here?
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Keyplus I have no idea who that relates to please elaborate?
Just read ^^^ these posts on this page and see if you can guess.
not me keyplus, i'm on the straight and narra
Jake-the-Peg said I was stretching definition of religion. He is mistaken. Contrary to common belief, religion does not require a belief god.

Here is the top definition from Wiktionary:

"A collection of practices, based on beliefs and teachings that are highly valued or sacred."

Stalinism, Nazism, Maoism are just as much religions as Christianity or Islam.
answerbankism !
What is your QUESTION?


Go peddle your hatred elsewhere.

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I love religion

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