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Oi noway

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Double-Diamond | 17:16 Sat 12th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
This is for you lol.

Have you taken your medicinal compound today?
medicinal compound


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O i'll drink a drink a drink to Lily the pink the pink -the saviour of the human raaaace !!

Is that what Noway/Norway is?
don't be daft dris...the saviour of the human race (self-appointed) is obviously.....BabyApe!!
oops -forgot about BabyApe -thers so many saviours now BUT not many taking their medicinal compound craft !!
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Yep krafty I totally ogre with you as it does not quite have the venom in its tail as armydud etc has and ummmm heard it speaking (mike swittched on) on tiny chat the other day trying to brag that it was klown etc but then it said it was some of them and it does show.

They just cant hide themselves can they
No -I can spot a troll from yards back :)

Wish I had been in the room that night although that arsey wipe ArmyDude was apparently and was convinced I was.I soon gave him all barrels blazing -cad !!!!

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Oi noway

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