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fao Sqad

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NoMercy | 15:34 Mon 14th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
How are you doing, you cheeky devil? x lol


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Hi NoM....are you in Spain?

Last night lightning and thunderstorms with rain for the first time since time since May 28th.

Mrs sqad went to Barcelona today, shopping, but comes back tomorrow night.
Question Author
Hi Sqad. I saw your thread the other day asking after me, and so I left an fao for you last Friday. I'm in Spain again this coming Thursday. Spoke to the ex yesterday, and he said that he'd had thunderstorms all afternoon, and the same was forecast for the next couple of days. I just hope it clear up before we get there. :-(
Thanks noM
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Sorry Sqad, have I put a dampener on your day? lol
hello NoM......where've you've been missed......
Certainly not my always cheer me up.

Lost at snooker today.

Will phone mrs sqad and then go for a shower............fancy coming? ;-)
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Hi Craft, I've been up to my eyeballs in this and that, and I'm going to meet myself coming back if I'm not careful.
Did post on bf the other day, but as yet I still need to poke around that site and see how everything works. Hope you're well, matey. x

Sqad - whatever would my mother say if she knew ? lol
NoM....bring your mother as well........and Craft....LOL
Well take care and come back posting soon........miss your humour.......
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Are you sure you can handle the 3 of us, Sqad? ;-)

Cheers, Craft. I've got the mother and the mad woman from Merthyr going to Spain with me, so we'll just have to take the piss out of her again. lol
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OMG ^^^^

Aren't the filters working?

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fao Sqad

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