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For the love of ........................ where do these people come from???????

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puma86 | 08:34 Fri 18th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
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Is it significant that they are all women?
Jeremy Clarkson is a ****** he deserves it!!!
I tell myself 'what is the point' - off you go enjoy yourselves
very true, well pointed out sqad.
This says more about them than him.
I agree cath - why jeremy clarkson why not Richard hammond or down to silverstone - not that there is logic in this - no sexist digs please
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my thoughts exactly.......why jeremy clarkson?
I'm sure he'll really stop doing his job now!!
Strange people
-- answer removed --
Because JC is more outspoken.

I love him BTW..
Because he has a large following and keeps making stupid statements about global warming people need to be reminded that Global warming does need to be taken seriously.

I'm sure it won't stop him for a second. That's not the point.

The point is to show opposition to his trivialisation of a massively important issue. To say "No this isn't some big boyish joke about beaded hippies - it's a major worldwide threat occupying the minds of all world leaders

It''s not some big joke !"

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For the love of ........................ where do these people come from???????

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