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Being privileged...

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NoMercy | 16:17 Fri 18th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
In what way are you privileged?

I am privileged to have a small but very close family and a little dog I love to bits.


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I am privileged with an optimistic nature and a good sense of humour and several pairs of leggings SQAD !!!!!
"Nurse.....quick.....pass me a vomit bowl, I have just read some posts on !BEING PRIVILEGED............aaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhh.......upppppppppp!
wish I was like that DEN, I get sh!t on first before I find my lips....CAN'T STAND LEGGINGS.
Well stop wearing them then Sqad - {:oD
I am very privilaged to have had 2 lovely children and 2 grandchildren one from each that I love to pieces. My health is good and live quite comfortable due to having worked all my life till I retired.My wish is to see my grandchildren grow up. No Mercy you say you love your dog to pieces. Love her she will reward you but she or he will break your heart. I had to have my lovely golden labrador put to sleep just 2 weeks ago .He was 13 and been having treatment for his legs but he was getting worse and really struggling.He is still everywhere in the house. Just everyday things keep cropping up .

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