Actually (IMHO) the ads should be exempt:
from the Office of deputy Primeminister:
You will need to apply to your local council for advertisement consent to display an advertisement bigger than 0.3 square metres on the front of, or outside, your property. A sign no larger than 0.3 metres, if it is for identification, direction or warning, such as your house name or number or "Beware of the dog", would not require this consent. Temporary notices of up to 0.6 square metres relating to local events, such as f�tes and concerts, may be displayed for a short period without having to apply to the council. There are different rules for estate agents' boards, but, in general, these should not be bigger than 0.5 square metres on each side. You can get advice from the planning department of your council; ask it for a copy of the Department's free booklet, Outdoor advertisements and signs: A Guide for Advertisers. uments/page/odpm_plan_606151-06.hcsp uments/page/odpm_plan_606218.hcsp