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Past lives...

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NoMercy | 19:19 Sun 20th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Do you think you've been here before? Have you ever been, or would you consider being regressed?

Or do you know someone who was regressed, and discovered something amazing about themself?


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No I have never done that but I would love to try it although would it mess with your mind a bit ? Although i'm pretty sure I was Anne Boleyn in a previous life
Pmsl....sorry!! that was a copy and paste I did before. This new AB is a bit too sensitive :-(
Interesting answer ummmm - I think you must have been Anne Boleyn and lost your head there
Do you think you've been here before? NO

Have you ever been, or would you consider being regressed? NO but YES

Or do you know someone who was regressed, and discovered something amazing about themself? No
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lol Peri... what makes you think you were Anne Boleyn?
Do you think you've been here before? Yes! I posted a question earlier ;0) Seriously though, I'd love to try regression! x
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Me too, Sachs. But it would be quite scary, especially if you discovered that one of your past lives ended in a gruesome way.
Because I tend to lose my head every so often nomercy boom boom
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Aha Peri !

Wouldn't you be slightly curious though, Melons?
I always think that if we fear something in this life - it must have contributed towards our death in a previous life e.g. fear of water - drowned - fear of heights - felll of something high - not liking things around our neck - hanged and so on - mind you I fear spiders - not sure if I was eaten by one - perhaps I was a fly in a previous life - spooky......
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I was always fascinated by a friend of mine who sadly died a couple of months ago. He was a devout Christian, and wasn't really supposed to acknowledge reincarnation. However, he was regressed and he recounted being killed in battle during the Charles I civil war. He said their was something wrong with the formation of the King's army, in that those that should have stood at the front were stood at the back, and vice versa. After much research, he was found to be telling the truth, and only expert historians could have known about it.
Hmmm - no - i dont think i've been here before....and yes,,,i would consider being regressed but i would want the whole thing to be taped /videotaped as i would want to hear exactly what i was saying and not take the word of someone else....then of course i would have to research it all to see if there may have been any truth in what i had been talking about.......

and no...i dont know anyone who has been regressed....
Does anyone feel the same as i do that thay are the re-incarnation of a famous psycho-analyst ? With me it all started when I was Jung

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