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Jamie Oliver crocodile hunter.

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mrs.chappie | 13:10 Wed 23rd Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Did anyone see the progamme, where a young girl (think she was 11) shot and killed the croc?

I know every creature we eat has to be killed, but an 11 year old killing it and seemingly getting excited about doing so, just didn't feel right to me.

Any thoughts anyone?


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Seems perfectly fine. She wasn't overly excited from what I saw. Just killing an animal to eat it.
Did you know that bacon doesn't come ready grown in cellophane packs?
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Pigs get slaughtered in an abbatoir, squarebear, but I would hope 11 year olds don't go in and do it.
Different countries have different clutures. She wasn't pressurised into shoting it and seemed perfectly calm to me.
I did watch it mrs.chappie but eating Alligator is not on my Food Menu. Guns is part of the American culture and they start them young over there. Have been to Louisiana but not since the Hurricane damage which was really bad. Prefer the Southern States to the North.
We watched this programme too mrs.c & must admit to covering my eyes when the Aligator was shot by Jamie & then the young girl. I couldn't watch Jamie skinning it either!

My youngest daughter once watched my husband skinning a rabbit that he'd shot & brought home). Thankfully, he no longer shoots & she's now a strict vegetarian.
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Just didn't feel right to me .... there was no 'hunting' of the creature by the young girl, it had already been snared (if that's the right word). So the young girl was only actually involved in the killing.

Smudge, I couldn't look either, when JO was skinning it.
is it really much different to these programmes that show fish being caught, bonked on the nut and then gutted ? is it because of the gun ?
I didn't see the programme but I don't see anything wrong with it.
When I was still at primary school I could neck poultry & rabbits and then gut them/pluck/skin them etc.

This was after I'd been up the chimney to sweep it of course lol
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No Ankou, it wasn't because of the gun. I just don't think it's right for children to kill animals. It's a different matter once they're grown up.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but for kids who are brought up in the sticks, it is a way of life
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But is it wise to show it on our telly? (Good old Yorkshire).

We're not in the sticks, mrs.o. I wonder if it's done to boost ratings.
Dunno mrs c. As I said, I didn't see the programme.....but sensationalism always boosts ratings
Dunno why you're upset, I don't suppose the croc would have had any qualms about eating the girl.and without shooting her first.
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Where have I said I'm upset? I said it didn't seem right .... and I like your logic, logic.
You have a valid point there logic - the alligator would have soon snapped & gobbled up the girl, or anyone else who fell into the river!

Having said that, I don't like to see anyone killing anything - even though I enjoy some fish & meats.

Could quite happily just live on vegetables too though.

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