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Internet explorer cannoy display the webpage.

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stewey | 16:46 Fri 25th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Is anyone else getting this message, somtimes, when trying to click on another topic?


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All the bloody time.
Yes :-(
No, but I am on Chrome.
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Thanks, NM. Now does this mean the problem is with this site, or could it be that we both have a problem with our computers? I have no idea.
I do sometimes stewey. Not sure if it is IE or AB that is causing problem but the Tech Team could be doing some work to the Site, hence the glitches !
mine is going so slow and keep getting logged off
sqad: ''No, but I am on Chrome.''

Really? Not Viagra then ;-)
I've no idea, Stewey, except to say that I only really get this problem on this particular site.
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Hopefully it's the site then, and not a problem with our computers. Strange, though, that Sqad doesn't have the problem with Chrome. I'm using IE8.
i'm getting the same as yiu stewey
i have been getting it all day,
but when I switch back to linux which uses firefox I have no problem.
No problem here on IE8 or FF. I use both as I have two gmail accounts open at the same time.

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Internet explorer cannoy display the webpage.

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