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Ants in your pants

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Goody2shoes | 21:44 Thu 30th Jun 2005 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers
What is the best way to get rid of ants from your garden?


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Boiling water and Jeyes Fluid. Find the nest and put some there too. Can't be doing with people who want to "move them on", they just make them someone else's problem. Thanks!!!
I've tried most things, but they just kepp re-appearing after a few days. I got so naffed off I used a can of WD40 with it's long straw attachment, and sprayed liberally deep into their exit point. Haven't seen one there for 12 days.(not that I'm ossessed or anything).That was on a patio area....probably wouldn't do plants much good.

Ants actually do some good in the garden - they help keep down the aphids.

They're a ****** if they get into your house though
I only put begger with a u

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Ants in your pants

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