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No work for me today

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B00 | 14:40 Sat 26th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
As this happened last night...

(incase you didn't know, I work at that particular Co-Op store)


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flipping heck Boo, what a way to get a day off work.
I only heard a tiny bit about it on the radio this morning, no doubt it'll all come out in the wash.
Hope you still get paid tho
Oh dear!

Hello Boo. I'm not usually here at the weekend. Nice to see you! Have a nice restful day with mini BOO. xx
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I better get paid, or there'll be another shooting!!! ;-)

Im supposed to be back in the morning, so will fill you in with any gossip if I hear anything.
hi B00!!! Does your co-op shut at 11pm like ours??? were the staff ok? I know there are deterents like CCTv but that counts for nothing if it's ate at night and the police are busy somewhere else! But well done the local cops for nabbing the bastards!
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No, it shuts at 10 dotty, but according to Sky News that's when it happened. So im wondering if the staff who worked last night saw it happening?? Again, will find out tomorrow when I go in.
sounds like the police had let the robbers get almost to the robbery stage before stopping them!!! Sounds abit risky, but I suppose they had to be sure! Is there anywhere else around there at 10pm that the armed robbers could have been trageting??? A spar maybe???? (not that i have anything against Spar shops lol)
oh heck B00...didn't the co-op have an advertising motto 'It's all at the Co-Op now!'?...they'll have to change it to 'It's all happening at the Co-Op now'
BOO...bit scary.....they might have taken you as a hostage.
Heck BOO what a to do, you must be quite near to me am only a few miles from there, enjoy your enforced leisure.

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Hmmm, not sure if it was a good idea me having a Saturday afternoon off work really. I went shopping instead and spent a ruddy fortune on not a lot.

Dotty, ive no idea what the robbers were targetting. Maybe it was us ourselves? Maybe somewhere else entirely? Possibly they were just using our carpark as the meeting spot before going off to rob wherever?

The daft thing, our town is fairly quiet, sure we have the odd drunken nutter occasionally, but nothing like this.
No one with any sense will take Boo hostage... good grief... That's like calling me 'kind'... Ridiculous! ;0)

As long as you're alright lass.
well, that's what the neighbours always say when someone turns out to be a serial killer... 'Very quiet chap', 'Kept himself to himself'... Sounds like the whole town is quiet on the surface but in fact an international centre of gang violence, with Mr Big operating from his secret hideout in the cellars under the Co-op.
Oh My goodness Boo - scary stuff
I take her hostage.................and keep her as my "sex slave"
I've just seen the report in the local nws B00!!! there are so many cars damaged in the shop car park!!! How many of the locals did you recognise on the tele then???
Glad to see you're ok BOO , xxx

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No work for me today

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