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When we get our avatars, in a bit

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dothawkes31 | 22:54 Sat 26th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Will we have to keep the same one or will we be able to interchange them? I have been collecting suitable images but i wondered when I would have enough. I also wondered if we have to use the same avatar if we go into sports AB. Also, what if someone else uses the same pic as someone else?


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Interesting Dot. I think it will be permanent once chosen, so choose wisely! We will moderate these images so we might have to have a first come first serve system for pics?

Spare Ed
oh so it will be a race then, can we have a on yer marks type moment?
Question Author
hey now no that's not fair, I've been collecting them and I have different ones for different categories and different moods!!! But I'm telling you now, and I don't care who moans about it, noone else is using Garth as their avatar!!! I won't allow it, I want that written into the Site Rules please!
I think we'll have to talk to garth about that!

Spare Ed

PS. yes it will be a race.
Question Author
Are you telling me that all these years you've had Garths phone number and you never shared, grrrrrrrrrr,
you might be able to use Garth in a cricketing helmet for sports AB, Dot.
Will we have a step by step guide attached to it ?
Sports AB doesn't have avatars
only known address (allegedly) is here
Question Author
I;ve seen him wear a baseball cap, never a cricket helmet, errrrrrrrr it's brooks not crooks jno tut, how many times !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Panic Button - Sports AB doesn't have lots of things that AB does. . .. thankfully
Dot - your pleas are falling on daft ears. AB rules work differently to other forums. There is never usualy a demand that you cannot use gifs or jpgs, or even not allow you to edit your profile ie avatar. Remember the old SportBank, animated avatars were lways permitted. But it seems that everything is becoming so regimented here in AB that you will be able to use whatever avatar you choose. Cos you will be the only user here.
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is that sarcasm sirprize?
Not at all Dot . - it is fact
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well I'm used to being ignored on AB and talking to myself, so no biggie!!! IO just wondered how the avatars could be regimented, the AB ed would need to know who every picture is of to know whether someone else is using it, maybe they are installing a mugshot datavase like they use on Bones or NCIS, that would make it easier i guess.
Don't give him ideas Dot. He already has too much on his plate. Weeks and soon months will have gone by since the launch of AB 2 and still they are struggling with fundamental issues. The Ed says he has a list of things to do - a good suggestion would be to close the site, get the fixes done and then try again. Instead of that he is treating us all as idiots while his so-called techies are playing a hit and miss game with the site. AB's management are leaving themselves open to ridicule. Have a look how smoothly SportsBank is running. Yes it is moderated, but moderated in a less lenient manner - and it works. In fact everything works fine on there. Time for lessons I think.
Question Author
'moderated in a less lenient manner' ??? blimey, I;'ll not be popping in there then!!! (praise the Lord I hear sirprize mutter)
Sir Prize, SAB is running smoothly because hardly anyone uses it!

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When we get our avatars, in a bit

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