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NoMercy | 21:46 Tue 29th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
We just had an earthquake !!!


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Valencia. The whole bloody house just shook !
last time we had one my bedroom ceiling cracked.........mind that could have been vibra.......or snags
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It's the first time I felt the earth move for a very long time... ;-)

I thought I heard a bang, and thought a car had hit the house at first.
Is that common NoM?
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Not that I know of. Jeez... I'm shaking like a leaf here.
Any damage - is everything ok outside ?
How cool! (As long as everyone is ok obviously).

We had one in England a few years back and I was staying at my then boyfriends in Luton... It felt like some giant thing had run under the floor boards and lift everything up, like in the cartoons. Scared the bejesus out of me!
scary when the bed seems to ripple......
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I expected to see people out on their balconies, but there's no sign of anyone. Strange.....

No damage as far as I can see.
Time for a large brandy
'scary when the bed seems to ripple...... '

^^^ Or a possible side effect of a bad curry.
have you checked the local news cos unless it was less than 5 on the richter scale it's not an earthquake!!!! i would worry now lol
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Well, it was certainly scary from where I was sitting, Dot. And having never experienced one before, I have nothing to compare it to.

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