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what happend here... ☺

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SKA | 17:41 Tue 06th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
honestly I haven come on here for like...erm....welI forgot how long but it's all different and strange and BIG!!! (Or is that my computer?)
anyway... I've posted a question in "computers" can someone help me please....

and how is everybody here???


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"honestly" now we know you are lying lol welcome back ska
hi ska, well what's happened - we're now in ab 2.0 or something like that and it has lots of teething problems, a far few poeple have been banned, rightly or wrongly depending on who you talk to and again depending on who you talk to its either a lot better or boring as a result.

and i'm waiting for dogtanian
Does anyone know who has been banned, apart from Knobby and Legend?
i think its prob me gettign confused with the amount of names the pair of them had!
I think NoKnow was banned too.
Oh yes, I think you're right, NM. mccfluff has a good point too. [:o)

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what happend here... ☺

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