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Now that the United states of Europe is pretty well up and running..

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R1Geezer | 09:20 Tue 06th Oct 2009 | News
7 Answers
Do you think they'll be able to get a set of audited accounts signed off after 14 years of trying?


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And the more the EU enlarges, the less likely they are of being able to manage the process in future.
we could let romania be the european accountant

at least we would know the location of all our money

still lost forever though
When did the UK last have an audited set of accounts?
This is another typical misleading piece of propaganda.

The auditors have always declared EU counts to be reliable

Fraud is estimated at 0.09% of the total budget

I wonder what percentage of the DHSS budget is fraudulently claimed!

And they are persuing prosecutions for fraud against MEPs like Tom Wise who was a member of...wait for it

Are you saying it is not true then Jake or are you giving a Noo labour spin on it ?
Romanians are amateurs compared to Bulgarians. They should be appointed auditors for the new united states of Europe.
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Now that the United states of Europe is pretty well up and running..

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