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dustypuss | 13:56 Wed 07th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Dose it hurt so blo8dy much when you pull a hair out of your nostrils :-(


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why do you want to do that ? :)
I wouldn't know - I don't have any up mine.
Do women have hairs up their nose before the age of 75?
.............hastily checks
doesn't it start at chin the work its way up to the moustache before 75?
dont know but the longest hairs are the ones on yer bum cos they make yer eyes water when you pull them out lol
can't you just mow them a bit or immac them? or failing that go to crafty's waxers, if they are happy to do her minge i'm sure they'll have no probs with your nasal hair
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Got to keep them in trim think of your dentist !
I'm going to have to go to the toilet, or invest in some Tena lady's after zzxxee's & mccluff's last 2 replies.
Bum hairs? Yuck - that's worse than nasal.

Minge? don't you just love that word? We have a man here called Mr Minge (he pronounces it Min-gay). I would love that name. Miss Trina M Minge. Class !!
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You pull the hair out of your bum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I had one of those electric nose trimmers until the day it got jammed now that was painful .
no i do not!!!! but i can imagine
do you want picking up dusty.....I'm going to the waxing place near the racecourse.....

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