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Bbbananas | 07:43 Thu 08th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
.. a world of difference. And a lot of my first lot don't have a lot of the second.

What other same-sounding words with different meanings can you think of?
Or is it too early yet to use one's mind?
I'll got get another mocha and come back later >>>>>>>>>


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I'm sick (fed up)
I'm sick (poorly)
It's sick (offensive)
War and wore.
Sea and see.
Eye and aye.
Tow and toe.
My Venezuelan friend kissed me on the cheek and said, "Te llamo" (I'll call you)

I thought she said, "Te amo" (I love you). The two phrases sound almost the same. I had a worried look on my face until the penny dropped.
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Did you want her to love you NoM?! Or did you think she was 'on the turn' as we say here in t'Fens?
She's not even 5ft tall, and only weighs about 44 kilos. Not really my type. She does look like Eva Mendes tho.
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Eva Mendes - now there's a lady who could persuade me to "turn". !
Claudia is a bit of a floozy. She wears her blouses undone so as to expose her bra, and keeps telling me she'd love to meet a rich older man...
Lock and loch.
Nose and knows.
Ear and here.

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