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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 07:25 Sat 10th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
The sun is cimbing up the back of the hill and is about to rise into a cloudless sky. that'll do for me! Have a good day everyone.


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morning bm, hope your door thingy gets fitted soon esp before the weather gets nasty x

I reckon she could clear out the shed next week!
Morning Bigmamma - how are you feeling?? xx

Sara - did your daughter complain at the punishment you chose for her? You mean thing, you.... ;-)
NoMercy, she wants to go to Camden with her mates today. I reckon it's a fair deal..... !

seriously, my son used to get in trouble all the time and I kept him in for the weekend when he got a detention. I can't just let her get away with it.

it's a win, win situation ;o)
I do agree with you ! I think if more parents instilled discipline in the home, the world would be a better place.
... and tidier, in my case ;o)
My door gets remote controlled on the 27th ...yay !
A late good morning to you all.
I rarely seem to get a weekemd off at present, but enjoying a quiet morning and the sun is shining.

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Good morning early birds!

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