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Anybody up- Stephen gately is dead

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pericat | 02:43 Sun 11th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
33 and died in his sleep


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Morning dot , BS - blame my rudeness on lack of sleep
10:44 Sun 11th Oct 2009
sara/ NoM.....LOL....get in the queue.
No, we don't have water in there during winter. He usually comes and fills it up again in May. We have to pay him a set price pro forma, and he comes to clean the pool periodically. We think he did it to be spiteful because he was outside for 20 minutes and we didn't know he was out there. He won't come in until we lock Alfie in the house. He thought we were taking the mick out of him.
On the bright side.... I can now stand up at the deep end :-)
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Not sure if you guts remeber back to end August when my friend from work passed away in her sleep, the post mortem result was sudden adult death syndrome, adult version of infant cot death, there was no other cause found at all. She was 50. I thought the boyzone lads were all well clear of any substance abuse, it will be awful for his family and partner if his memory is tainted. Very sad to go so young.
sorry for typos not awake yet! No Matter What is my fave boyzone tune.
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Good morning all - roman keating lives a couple of minutes from me and keith duffy not far either. We have done business with keith and I've spoken to him on the phone and he is a really nice guy, Ronans kids go to my kids school - there was never any talk of drugs or anything with any of them - just family men. The 4 others are supposed to go over to Spain today
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morning peri, I guess it is the spectre of the pop-star lifestyle that will mean speculation until after the post-mortem, the other 4 lads will be devastated, doubt any of them have had to deal with the loss of someone so close to them, it will be like losing a brother, awful for them.
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Oh sharrup NoKnow.
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Morning dot , BS - blame my rudeness on lack of sleep
Well I will stay on topic long enough to say that tho I hardly knew these kids apart, I will share in the general outpouring. General but not universal it seems. I recognize Freddie Mercury on the Youtube link, but have not played it as I need deniability of the exact nature of the posters intentions in even linking the two gay icons. I am not one of the drears who report things, and for contemptible reasons in some cases. I would not even wish to comment on it were it not that I cannot let pass the subsequent post from the same source. I have this terrible affliction that I can suffer an awful lot of rubbish to be talked about most things, but language is not one of them:

"It is mallorca and not majorca there is no j in the spanish alfabet soup"

The Spanish spelling is Mallorca, and the English spelling Majorca. This is probably because the Castilian ly- sound for ll is simplified to y- in other dialects, and that y- and the original Castilian y- are emphasized into j-type sounds in much the same way. Does that happen in Minorca (Spanish spelling Menorca) too, sqad?

And there is of course a j in Spanish, which has evolved quite independently. That is pronounced like the -ch in Loch Lomond.
They say the good die young
Terribly sad - my heart goes out to family and friends who have had their lives shattered.Poor soul (:

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