Well I will stay on topic long enough to say that tho I hardly knew these kids apart, I will share in the general outpouring. General but not universal it seems. I recognize Freddie Mercury on the Youtube link, but have not played it as I need deniability of the exact nature of the posters intentions in even linking the two gay icons. I am not one of the drears who report things, and for contemptible reasons in some cases. I would not even wish to comment on it were it not that I cannot let pass the subsequent post from the same source. I have this terrible affliction that I can suffer an awful lot of rubbish to be talked about most things, but language is not one of them:
"It is mallorca and not majorca there is no j in the spanish alfabet soup"
The Spanish spelling is Mallorca, and the English spelling Majorca. This is probably because the Castilian ly- sound for ll is simplified to y- in other dialects, and that y- and the original Castilian y- are emphasized into j-type sounds in much the same way. Does that happen in Minorca (Spanish spelling Menorca) too, sqad?
And there is of course a j in Spanish, which has evolved quite independently. That is pronounced like the -ch in Loch Lomond.