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It's a brand new dawn

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Bobbisox | 07:42 Tue 13th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Good Morning, with the emphasis on Good
Why not start your day by giving a cheery greeting and a toothpaste smile to those you pass this morning, they will think you're a slice short of a loaf, but it will put a spring in your step,
remember, yesterdays woes and worries are dead and buried!!!!!

Am I being too optimistic

Bobbi x


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Not at all - morning bobbi - getting hair done this morning and it's about time too - smiles (big) and waves
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Morning peri, I haven't much planned for today, but off out tonight with the girls, may see you later,

Big smiles 4u x
hi bobbi--will give it a go-
anger management session on later , for me
Have to drop daughter to her first work experience week in about half an hour she is very nervous
I will do... when I see someone. Been up since 6, in at work since 6.45 - so far have not set eyes on a soul. The first one through the door will have the benefit of a my pearly-white grin and a Top O'The Morning To You... (Hope it's not Brenda - she's a miserable so & so...)
Salla - smiling at brenda will get you more bonus points
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morning salla, give Brenda the 'pearly one' she'll not know what cuddys kicked
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Hi beejay, anger management?
is this serious, and of cause I am not making light of it, but never know if I am being wound up, bit slow that
bobbi-toothpaste smile is in my mind here-
i think my counsellor will be impressed (if i can do that)--wont be easy as she is a hateful b*tch
-here is hoping bobbi
Just grit your teeth beejay it looks the same on the outside
Mornin Bobbi, iv'e got a morning chuckle i'm gona post in a bit !.
thanks peri
would have got back sooner-was having ' a few words' with a whistling (noisy and out of tune ) milkman-ruddy twat , he is always doing it
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go for it tony...pmsl

best of luck beejay x
Deep breaths beejay :-)
thanks umm
all suggestions will be welcome-- as i dont think much of my counsellor( on a big wage for spouting a load of cr*p, the dozy mare )
Morning everyone =0D
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Hi ummm and rinkins
Morning everyone. I already have a spring in my step bobbisox. I;m happy happy happy :-)

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It's a brand new dawn

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