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I've just seen a patient whose had a Silent M.I.

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Bbbananas | 13:45 Thu 15th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I said; "Wow - you did well not making any fuss or crying out".

Well, what would you have said?


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Obviously you're all keeping silent yourselves on that one :-(
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Silly f****** thing to say anyway - I'm just 'in a mood' today.
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Feel free to ignore me... I'm just talking to myself.
It's great - no arguing.
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Oh yes there is......
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Oh no there isn't........
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I could be here all day you know...
He's behind you...
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Cheers ladies x
(Though not so loud next time ummm)
M.I. myocardial infarction? And they suffered it without any fuss?
My Dad had one on Saturday - "non-ST elevation MI" (NSTEMI)." - it didn't show up on the ECG monitor he was wired up to..........
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yup Sandy - heart attack. But the silent doesn't really mean that they kept quiet - I was being foolish.
salla....perfectly normal comment and totally acceptable. Silent M.I no symptoms, so they didn't make a fuss or cry out.
Not as bas a comment as a mate of mine gave to a patient who had a vaginal discharge and had seen him and the Consultant on and off for years and eventually she said:
"Doctor" Why have I got this vaginal discharge?"
In sheer desperation he replied:
"To stop you squeaking as you walk"
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sqad - good afternoon - I was hoping you'd contribute to my silent MI and my angry wound threads.. I hoped you (if no-one else) would get the joke...

Love that discharge story - did he really tell her that? Dozy mare x
jack.....cardinal sign of a M.I is S-T elevation on ECG. These NSTEMI....don't show up as their name implies......." Non ST elevation.
That's what threw the medical bods.........but they diagnosed it via blood tests, etc.

Saturday was quite an epiphany for me......................:o)

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I've just seen a patient whose had a Silent M.I.

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