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Oh Err - I have just been called a racist in Primark...

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DEN53 | 16:12 Thu 15th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Waiting on a queue of around10 people with just 2 checkout assistants, an indian lady was having a basket full of clothes checked through the till, she then decided some of the items she did\'nt want, then she started querying the prices of the items she did want. The checkout assistant then decides to leave the till and go downstairs to check the items, I shouted should\'nt a supervisor being doing that for you as there are around 10 people waiting to be served. The indian lady turns to me and said, \'is this because I am asian\' I couldn\'t believe it.

I replied to her \' no darling, its because you are holding the queue up and my car park ticket runs out in 2 hours\' ....................everybody in the queue started laughing, which did\'nt go down well with the asian lady, but it did prompt the supervisor to put another assistant on the checkout.



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Where the hell is that ?
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jno - no she did'nt actually call me a racist - but I think by saying 'is it because I am Asian' is a sort of clue .
That was her 'nice' way of putting it Den lol

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