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Racial Matters...

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john1066 | 19:45 Thu 15th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
In a recent television programme a discussion was being held in a class-room of children. That was fine, quite normal. What I noticed was that all the children were coloured as was the teacher and the television reporter..Not a white face in sight. My question is....In 50 years time will the white population of this country be an ethnic minority...


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Oh dear................. I hear rumblings afoot!!!....................and it's not the doggin' going on my woods, either.......:0)
Probably John
I think I also caught a glimpse of that programme as I asked my oh where it was being filmed,I thought it was a story about the education system in Africa. I was a little taken aback when I realised it was actually here in the UK.
I think your term of 'coloured' people is a little outdated and could be classed as politically incorrect though john.
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You should take a page out of our book - we're everywhere - very prolific lot we are LOL
I notice you said this country.
well if this country is Uganda
then what did you expect ?

Am I right ?
I'm not wrong !

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Racial Matters...

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