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Sunday Lunch.....

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john1066 | 14:50 Sun 18th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Just had a chicken roast.....Now going for a walk along the cliff to walk it off.....What have you done today to keep your weight down?..Hi zzxxee, howya diddlin'? x


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I've done things back to front john. Today I've had a vegetable pasta with chips & a bottle of rose wine. Yesterday I was out but walked the whole way back home, does one delete the other?
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'Fraid not.!
hi john im good thanks i walk my dog everday round the local park although it was more a case of me being dragged today lol
and i had a traditional sunday lunch of spag bol today lol
Ive had a roast dinner and cleaned the house from top to toe, I will resume my fitness regime tomorrow
John, did I hear you say you're going to walk off the cliff? Dinner couldn't have been that bad, surely.
I've done some need be jobs of shifting things so we have a access to the rooms. Cleaned a bit...more to do though and going out for dinner as soon as my son gets home.
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Going for a 4 mile walk tomorrow down the seafront as is my wont every Monday morning..I'm a creature of habit and everything has to be in it's place, and i'm not very fond of cooked dinners---rather have beans on toast..Do you have a favourite meal....Pericat, Pericat, what are they feeding you ?
I'm actually rather fond of coquielles st jacques
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Oh LaLa........

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Sunday Lunch.....

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