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Out of the mouths of babes.......

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pericat | 17:58 Sun 18th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I've just been told by my daughter that when you're annoyed with someone to tell them why, because if you cover it up you'll be annoyed with them for longer...... Are you always straight with people about your feelings ?


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Afternoon Peri - I think your daughter is right, my neighbour has been really narky with me and I don't know why. Everything I say to her she snaps at me. In fact on Friday I came indoors seething, but what I should have done was confront her and ask why she was treating me like this.
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Yep den but we don't do we - she is 12 and good for her - I will never be like that. How was yesterday ?
Ask her Den.
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I think the younger generation have a different view on these type of situations - my son said I should have said something to her.

Thanks, yes, eventually it went alright yesterday - my Mum was as nervous as a kitten, but I calmed her down and we got through it - the only downside was I had to leave the room, obviously because of radiation etc and could hear my Mum calling my name because a horrible chinese nurse kept shouting at my Mum and forcing her head down back onto the scanner table.

Thanks for asking Peri.
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Well good for you - BS - glad you could tell me - I'll try not to be so daft from now on!
Hiya Tony - yep, I think I am going to have to ask her .
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Den - let's know what happens. I'm dreadful at confronting people - get too emotional
Tomorrow will be a test Peri - its my birthday and we always send each other cards - if I don't get one, then I know she is well and truely pi$$ed at me for something or the other. ha ha
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Surely she won't be that petty. Happy birthday for tomorrow den - anything planned ?
Nope, nothing planned .
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If I lived near I'd make you a chocolate cake. You have a good one
Many happy returns of the day for tomorrow Den.
Thank you Tony {:o D

Peri, I will be on the next flight to Ireland ........................

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Out of the mouths of babes.......

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