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Vibra and I are going to Flounce together...

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Bbbananas | 11:42 Mon 19th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
... anyone want to join in.
A good flounce does wonders for the spirit - look at Dick Emery.


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Flouncing sounds fun
I should imagine vibra is pretty used to '' flouncing '' about. LOL
sqad is going to be jealous though salla
Well, it's pretty quiet in my woods for doggin' at the moment, so count me in, and carry on...............:0)
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I like a bit of flouncing.
Not a la Rosie Webster - but more a la Joan Collins, or Dick Emerfy if I'm wearing stilettos.

come on vibes - where are ye?
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isn't that a bit like ragequitting ?

there hasn't been this much drama since he said he was hungry and went off felching in the woods.
Well that's interesting vibra, She has been dead for 10 years.
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Flouncing is nothing like felching.
Ankou - you are being very rude today - I'd have been told off or castigated by now ;-)
and she said she'd never be caught dead with a necrophiliac
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I feel strangely nauseous......
i like a good flounce

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Vibra and I are going to Flounce together...

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