Noddy is 60 yrs old this week, Happy Birthday mate, only 3 yrs younger than me so tony you will have to trade me in for a younger model...sob!!!!
But it isn't this that has devastated me , Oh No,!!!!
My childhood dreams have took a right bashing, reading those Enid Blyon tales of Noddy and his pals in Toytown when I was a little girl,,,, Enid Blytons grandaughter has written the the first Noddy book for 46 yrs to celebrate the little mans birthday"
and she has deliberatley left out Golly the mechanic in Toytowns garage and replaced him with Mr Sparks,,,,who?
Do I take this lady to the European Court of Human Rights for shattering my illusions?
I am going to type a letter to The Hague right now!!!
promises promises yogi lol my car its more for me anyway im only 5 foot 1 so stands to reason why i should have it not you catch me if you can beep beep
a woman of my age,,,splutter, hey vibra , go ahead mate!
I ma young at heart, still got me own knashers, am a size 16, have a very active socila life, have loads of mates both on here and off...
and don't wear Tena Ladies!!!!
Go ahead let rip!!!!!