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dothawkes31 | 21:59 Mon 19th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
was on here last night and again this morning, it was great to see her name, I wish estie was posting again, I miss her level headedness. I keep missing bob too, but the site needs these people back. Oh and like slippers said, where is pixi????


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I use to argue with her as well...left here for a while and since I came back we've been fine.
morning all
I don't think it's that crazy FINA...she was truly nuts but I think she got on with Dot...
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Morning fluffy
I didn't expect them to stay for long anyway.
Dont be sorry Helen, they were 'orrible, and should be removed. I should imagine even if no-one reported em, they'd have gone anyway.

Aye, you could be right ummmm, couldn't remember if dotty and basket case got on or not.
Well when FINA/Battersby was hounding me her and dot started exchanging emails...
Oh righty, now i didn't know that, mind you, no reason why I should i guess :-)
FINA was KERAAAZY! I remember how now... She hated Wardy and her and I used to row about him all the time. He made some (stupid) comment about her once and then she hounded him for the rest of her days claiming he was harrassing her! She was a nut job! If that's not her up there /\/\/\ then 'Gooood riddance'
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But don't you remember that after all of that fina/battersby/daisy/ turned on me and she was horrendous!!!!! lol she really didnlt like anyone! She completely duped me!
Well, that's what you get for being friends with a nut job.... Lesson learnt Dotty.

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