I think Nick Griffin was naive in his approach.
If you come on QT frfom his perspective, you are in the ring with cultural and political heavyweights, people who debate for a living, and you need to be able to punch your weight. You should anticipate the general thrust of the programme (why are you a nasty homophobic race-hating bigoted moron?) and be ready with your arguments.
What NG found out was that what may well work wonderfully at BNP meetings, surrounded by like-minded individuals, does not fly for even a moment in front of an audience of balanced thoughtful intelligent people - i.r. non-BNP supporters.
Nick Griffin could have made political and press camptial out of this situation, he failed, badly.
He looked shifty, sweaty, smirking, unable to respond, out of his depth, and generally a little boy trying to play big boys' games.
Pretty much how he is then.