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Officially mid - term

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pericat | 13:06 Sat 24th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
the kids are off - anybody got anything planned - holiday, fews days away, a big halloween party ?


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I am past all that now Glen is 20, Peri - how is things going with your son - I did ask in another post last week, but not sure if you saw it.
I am off to Loch Long that weekend peri, for a friends 40th birthday

My Grandson has been on holiday in Majorca this last week, his Mum took him out of scholl for it as he has had exemplory attentance up to now and he is going to do extra work in half term next week, he's 10 and so not too worrying. Now though there is a problem with looking after him during next week when the school is closed!!! I'm working mon- fri and so is his dad, still, my daughter isn't (his aunt) so maybe get her to have him .
It's going to be a quieter drive to work in a morning though!!! That's the good thing about half term lol
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dot - has your grandson a foot problem
bobbi - loch long
den - he is up and down - no decisions yet - the depression is unpredictable - we are there for him as much as we can be - say a little prayer - my girls are both off though and planning loads for the week
going now peeps to the pub with some friends, lovely chatting see you all laters...???
Bobbi x
Loch Long up the west coast of Scotland peri x
see you later Joy xx

Peri - has the girl decided what she is going to do about the pregnancy ?
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scotland is lovely bobbi - except for my brother in law of course lol - see you later
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i dont know den - i dont want to get involved yet and you dont get much information from my son
Hi peri,
I've booked this! Hopefully get confirmation Monday.
(Sat 13:16 24/Oct/09)

dot - has your grandson a foot problem

Lol, yeah i got the Scholl reference!
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that looks like a great bit of craic sachs - I thought I was getting away with the dressing up this year as youngest is now 12 and in secondary school - but no there will be bits of paper and cellotape and god knows what floating around this week
Go on, bet you love it! I'm only going to see the tunnels peri, love history & it wouldn't normally be accessible to me! If they think I'm dressing up though!
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LOL - hows it going with you at the moment - we have to have a joint birthday party on here around the 14th dec
I'm good peri!
I've been tickling the dust in the bedroom! I found a box of cassette tapes?????? Been a long time! lol! My son has just caled us the chuckle brothers! We ended up throwing stuff at each other! I went to open the curtains and the damn rod came off, it was missing it's knob on the end! Found the knob! Regards my birthday, I'd rather forget it, can't stand the thought of being 51!!! Arggggghhhh! lol! x
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i know but cant avoid it so embrace it
Everythings embraced peri! ;0)

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