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Why is Britain bursting at the seams with immigrants?

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rov1200 | 14:01 Sat 24th Oct 2009 | News
10 Answers
This article will tell you why.


Could we ever trust a Labour government again?


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Why have they used a picture of oxford street at christmas with mainly white faces to give you a picture of "Britain bursting at the seams"?
Yep, I wonder why they didn't use a photo of down town Handsworth.
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If you have trouble using the link this article is also in todays Daily Mail
Can we trust the man who made the claims about the Labour Party?
bursting at the seams cos of many reasons not just immigrants
a rise in the baby boom
a large ageing population people live much longer now we could go on and on
Great point zzxxee!

Immigrants to this country can also have white faces.


The main reason for the Baby boom.

Immigrants to this country tend to have more children than the indigenous population.
Be careful when you talk of "indigenous population" AOG.

Nick Griffin tried on Question Time and was howled down. It seems there is no such thing in the UK now.
-- answer removed --
Thanks for the warning Judge, but you know me I couldn't "Give a Damn" in fact, I think we should organise ourselves and create a new party.

Shall we call it the Indigenous Population Party?

Top of it's manifesto? To fight for the rights of the Indigenous Population.

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Why is Britain bursting at the seams with immigrants?

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