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gulliver1 | 20:09 Thu 15th Oct 2009 | Motoring
2 Answers
MANY THANKS ALBAGS I have located the diagnosis socket ,, but the mechcanic can not find the fault
the problem is the engine cuts out now and then,and when i turn the key it re starts again immediately,
it's been doing it for a few months now, anybody got any ideas,THANKS,.


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could be something to do with the security system, you say the mechanic couldnt find a fault, from this i assume it wasnt a dealer.
I know dealers are more expensive but its a fact there diagnostic systems(being Honda) are far more reliable and often throw up fault codes that the local garage/mechanics doesnt.
Does the ECU not store any fault codes/errors that can be read?
If mechanic is just using a Scanner, he may not see everything.

Cutting out when driving or idling?

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