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Hello everyone, it took a while for me to link "Toss Up" to what was happening in the grid, but as luck would have it, the penny dropped! Not sure which way up though!
I have to say Ringer that I missed the incorrectly defined 12a, and Christiana number blindness made me miss the typo of 39 rather than 30! Mea Culpa! Ringer, use Half-term to your best advantage.
Devadolly, hope the wait in the Rhuematology dept wasn't too long, have a realy good holiday, with more ladders than snakes. Last time we we went to Egypt 2 years ago we went o St Catherines Monastery, OK but not exceptional! Hopefully Petra and Jerusalem will be more impressive.
Christiana, pleased you are still ploughing through. Am sure you will complete, FIRST you need to really sort out the quotation, then LAST resolve how the 8 entries are modified!